Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by p0w View Post
This one looks cool c:

The only problem would be the reflection, but seeing it now, I think it gives the illusion of a tuning with soul effect (I don't know how to explain) The smoke was brilliant, I love the color and fogginess in the image. However, I don't like the smudges, but I know you tried to simulate preassure with the power. Effects look good, the daimyo hat fits perfectly with the meditating sort of pose scene.

Good job

thx :3 I was trying to make the tori a bit darker, but failed and it only got gray, so i used it on the half of the body to make it look like the energy from the "sky" refills him with what he have so he like get's in to.. yeah i don't know how to explain it. Thanks anyway, I'll try and update whenever I can, you know, school and stuff, otherwise i do take orders and making wallpapers for TC But I'm still thinking of opening a shop.. hmm.. ._. :3

Btw, I bought the hat mostly cause i was thinking it would fit to my set :3 and I think it looks cool
Last edited by xXSJXx; Nov 26, 2013 at 12:16 PM.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore