Original Post
[S] Holy wow! miku made a set o: (im back.. kinda)
Hey, here is another set from me...

It's been a while am i right?

size: 512
artist: Miku
previous owner: n/a
price: offer.. nothing stupidly low. im looking for 50k+ ish. TC ONLY
Recolor: Nope
If you want it right now: 100k

Whoever has the most appealing price. they shall get it.. nothing below 40k, thanks..

Pictures o:

Happy Bidding!
Well, seeing as litc's bid isn't valid. And yours is the highest, I will let things play out for at most a week. Probably only a day or two. And if you're still in the lead you can have it

~litc isn't getting it because he is a scrub, requested it as a 100k set then blew me off. So he won't get it.
Originally Posted by Miku View Post
perfect. make it 50 and i will has love you.

~atlas: Read first post.

I know but I had to try it.