Christmas Lottery
Original Post

Replays by: War_Hero, Pusga, MrJingles1, Largekilla, Swexx, Leilak, and Oblivion. These are all default replays.

Programs used: Fraps, Sony Movie Studio Suite 10.

Cnc is appreciated.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Irrita, here's nice one tip, before recording your replays try to shut down some programms.Cause actually there's some lags kind of low FPS.
Yeah I noticed that when I was editing. I use an external monitor that eats up my graphics card so I try to unplug it when I remember.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
And the last one: while you edit your videos don't try to make a "VERY SLOW' retard in some moments where you can see any fast movements.But if you got fps kinda 10000fps you can do what you want ^)
The video looks good, but you missed so many opportunities to create some sync effects. Also, the slowmotion was laggy, as EmJake said. The freecam was pretty nice though.
Never let your tori leave the screen.
Sync wasn't too bad
The lens flare in leilak's replay was just slapped on there. It just appeared. Keyframe it propperly or don't bother putting it there :o
Camera wasn't that good, it's mediocre
Effects seemed out of place
Shader choice wasn't that good, use the shaders to match the tori/song
No cc
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
sync was ok, i didn't like the freecam, song was ok, but you should've faded it in the end. now it just stopped. and if you want to stop the music instantly, just stop it to a loud bass/drum sound. the whole video was ok. ill give you 5,5/10
[Aether] [My Replays] [TF] [TMA] [TBYT] [TMM]
Thank you guys.

Nagato, I'm new to movie studio. I have no idea what I'm doing especially when it comes to keyframing.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Could have been more effects, and intro and "outro"..
Could have timed things better... But it was awesome with
the free cam there... Could have been like a head rolling and then shows the
other replay up slowly or something like that. But it was good..

May the force be with you :3