Ingame Name-Phase
How long you have been playing-A fortnight.
Your Age-14
Timezone and country-New Zealand
Your Best mode-Aikido, Twinsword
Received any infractions/suspensions on the forum(state why/how long if yes)-No
Previous clans (if any)-No
Do you have a sense of humor?Oh Yeahhh!!!!
personality-Not boring, Experimental
Like/Dislike Furries(why?)-Likes: Music (playing and listening), Movies, Art, Playing Tennis Dislikes: Pop music, Muderers, Spiders
Pie or cake?-Cake can be too sickly sometimes, can't resist the old pie.
Why you want to join(put some effort into this)- Looked like the most interesting clan to join, the others looked boring, This clan looks like it has some experienced players too.