Didn't watch replays because I'm lazy :lol:
You would have to post a lot more, mainly on the clan page, and I'd like to go ingame with you before my final vote.
For now it's a IDK <
[21:19] <@Arctic> n sei pq o ed foi tirar o pinto mano
Name: Kamron Age: I am 13 and my birthday is June 15 Belt: I am Black belt currently Steam Name: None Skype Name: Syrelz Why I want to join (Warhead): I want to Join the clan (Warhead) because I have been looking for an active clan and I feel this clan has that and great people to meet and hangout with. What I can offer (Warhead): I can offer skills... such as my skills in Toribash are very good. I am also somebody that'll be willing to do what is told and when I am told I also am a cool guy to hang with. My joke is COD.... Thank you thank you very much. Something interesting about me is...: I play paintball and I love playing the sport. What I am not: I am not a robot nor a cyborg. Recommendations: Dimebag Previous Clans: (Kira)- War Hero (war hero is a pro player) (Cobra)-member Time Zone: Pacific -8:00 Previous Names/alt accounts: Alts are Syrels, and Qxrt and Ceseral. In game activity: 8 Forum activity: 7 Type "Warhead is the best" 3 times creatively: Warhead Is The BEST Warhead Is The BEST Warhead Is The BEST Player Card:http://forum.toribash.com/tori_achie...sername=zeqrah
[B][U]My Replays All mine: Reason i didnt include Osiris was because i joined it for my friend storm and he was inactive and the clan died in a couple days.