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brown belt connect to semipro server fail!
i had a problem everytime when i want to connect to a semipro server i can t(i am brown belt) and in every server for semipro every said he that this is only for blue grade
Any semi-pro servers whose names end with 5 (e.g. judo5) will not allow brown belts in. Semi-pro servers that end in 6 (like aikido6) will work.
when i want to go in them they say no connection or only for blue grade or lover self by the aikaido6 or judo6 or jousting6
Another brown belt here who can't get onto any of the competitive servers. The SemiPro judo6 board says it's for Blue grade or lower, and the Blackbelt ones obviously won't let us in.

Not sure what to do here....
If you are a Blackbelt you can go into "Blackbelt" or "pro" servers.

If it says something like " For blue Grade or lower" that means only blue belts and lower can use that server.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
This was a problem that was already fixed.... as of today however, it seems the servers with the 6's have been reset back to blue or lower servers. Once again, Brown belts are unable to earn TC while fighting.
i also have this problem and someone told me that we can only play on private servers until we have black belt. that means we are not able to earn TCs. i just got brown belt 5 days ago so i have to play about 500 games on private servers until im able to earn money again...
that really sucks!
I'm brown betl too, with 350 games remaining till Black.
When is this going to get fixed again? It's kinda bad.
I can't join ANY offical server, and believe me I've tried them all.