Original Post
[S] Demon King Set
Size is all 512x
Artist unknown and no previous owners
Taking TC and decent items as payment
We'll start with 10k
Will recolor for an extra 5k


Last edited by Darkness; Feb 4, 2014 at 11:22 PM.
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Thanks guys. If nobody offers better within the next 12 - 16 hours ill sell it to gurpal
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Thanks for the offers. Same concept. If nobody offers higher within about 12 hours or so, then the set will be sold
Will always <3 my peeps in eVo
Originally Posted by Darkness View Post
Thanks for the offers. Same concept. If nobody offers higher within about 12 hours or so, then the set will be sold
