Christmas Lottery
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Lack of Creativity
So I don't know where to put this and it will most likely get lost in the toriforum but, I'm going to go ahead with it.

I pretty much only play ABD and if you ever play toribash you will see me in the tournament server or in some betting server. Going back through the ages of toribash you remember the emergence of new moves that almost change the game on the competition level. Like Hamster Hug, the infamous shovel or even the noob clap. These moves are copied over and over mindlessly following what has been done before. I am ok with you doing these moves because you learn what beats them and how to counter. What I think is funny is when people restart the match in a betting server because they don't like your starting move. What are you getting out of a boring match of holding hands anyways?

What I purpose is people is to try to approach the game in a new way that you can master and say you are clearly better than anyone else at your style. If people know or if it's in your head it does not matter just approach with a new mind set. If you don't succeed keep trying because it will help you in the long run if you know it or not.

I know what you are all asking... "SQUID do you have any suggestions on how to play in this unique manner you speak of?" AWNSER: YES. here is a list I have constructed for your pleasure. (I am only going to speak of ABD and you can spread the theory to other types)

Squid's List Of Unique Ways of Fighting
-1. Defense Stone- Start knowing you are going to take a lot of big blows. Get those hands up but not forwards and get low to the ground off the start don't move too much. With this style you are not thinking of countering off the second or even third moves but just withstanding the starting bash. I find lots of the time the player will hurt them selves with their starting moves if you just hold tight for a few turns.

-2. Counter- Show and aggressive start that does not build momentum on the first move but on the second. Don't try to attack them off the start just make a lot of movement. This will freak them out or they will continue their planned move. Leaving you opportunity to attack after taking a hit or after they freak.

-3. Never Grab- You gotta learn to dance.

-4. Inside Fight- The intent of this style is to stay real close to the other player grab them and keep them close. If you can wrap your arms around a person you will most likely win. Slowly work you way in but not giving them both of your hands off the start just give them one.

-5. Get Upside Down- I know most of you can stand on your hands just as easy as your feet so why don't you start by getting to your hands asap?

-6. JUMP ON THEM LIKE A SPIDER MONKEY- I know lots of people might think of them selves as aggressive players or have seen aggressive players. But believe me you. GO all out have no fear of the ground because that player you are fighting has that fear.

-7. Kick- This one is basic but very under used. Don't just kick once kick them a lot, people hate being kicked and they can be very devastating.

Now kids I have listed 7 right here but it is endless. My challenge to you is master that style you create for you self or take one of mine and expand from it. Go fight all your battles that way you will see that there is more than one way to play.
Pirate, I read and understood it, but just no.. Users have the right to their own play style, you can't force them into your play style, it's forcing them into something they don't want to do. The users of the Toribash Community also have rights, one of them to their own play style. You cannot force them into yours, it's just stupid, the game is not for just you, it's for the community, yes, it would be lovely if all the noob claps got removed but unfortunately it won't happen. So instead of suggesting something that forces users into something that they don't like, why don't you suggest something that would be of contribution to the community. This isn't even a suggestion, but frankly I don't even know where to put this.. It should be closed though.
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?
Well this did not go over well. Maybe the idea is too big for you.... Also I am not suggesting this to all people because some people get this already and understand what they are trying to accomplish when they fight.

In response to Pirateking
"I understand that you are not telling people to fight like this,
you are suggesting it for it could improve the liveliness of
multiplayer matches, but it's not something you can suggest
on a wide scale."

I am not just saying it is fun I'm saying that it works. You get the basic idea though that it is just a suggestion to people to challenge the norm of the game.

Butler Where do I begin
"Users have the right to their own play style, you can't force them into your play style, it's forcing them into something they don't want to do."

It is a suggestion to challenge what you have been taught. Who says you were taught the right way? You have learned from what people have done before you and you are just believing it is best.

"The users of the Toribash Community also have rights, one of them to their own play style."

That is what i am saying but i am also saying this style you speak of is wide spread and most everyone is the same. It is used by everyone and no one questions it.

"You cannot force them into yours, it's just stupid, the game is not for just you, it's for the community, yes, it would be lovely if all the noob claps got removed but unfortunately it won't happen."

I am ok with noob claps.. if you read.
I'm moving this to off-topic, since suggestions is for improving the game, and not the users.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
unfortunaty server hosts are massive losers nowadays but i woudnt go as far as dictating every single move i could do
oh yeah
The majority of users don't play for fun.
The majority of users play for the win/tc.

'Boring' moves like shovels and noob claps and grabs and whatever else you want to add to the list are used because it has become the meta. These moves are used because they are the most effective way to win. '

There are always people who play for the win in every game and Toribash just has a high percentage of these people. (I won't speculate as to why but I have several decent ideas)
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
There are always people who play for the win in every game and Toribash just has a high percentage of these people. (I won't speculate as to why but I have several decent ideas)

of course.
most people this day only play for profit , not fun.
that's why its boring to play in this day.

but personally , i support this , i like to play for fun .

many game modes like this would be interesting.
Originally Posted by Trocher3 View Post
who's this minority of people ?
i'm guessing it mostly staff , old schooler , seniors , etc

pretty much the people who have played the game for a long time and couldn't care less if they win/lose.