Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
Flub_Replays? What the heck?
Yeha... replays it is indeed. Replays you shouldn't even look at because they're so horrible by the look D:
kay, enough ranting on about the replays. On with the show.

zerogravityboomkickflub: Not really zero gravity, it's just me flying in the air along with uke and happen to do a grab boomkick. Nothing out of the ordinary.

lolflubklapowie: This is a relaxed 360 kick. Nothing more to say.

0000__RutztheSensei2___flub: After Rutzor started giving me some tips about improving myself, i started to make a replay of what i had learnt. And yes, i know this replay is fail. BUT, i only posted it because it had a splitcap in 1 shot ;p

00___bowandarrow__flub: Simple. At the start, you'll see me pulling and invisble bow and arrow, then next thing you know, my punch would pretty much resemble the arrow.

Rate, comments C&C, you know what to do.
Attached Files
zerogravityboomkickflub.rpl (134.5 KB, 26 views)
lolflubklapowie.rpl (103.8 KB, 19 views)
0000__RutztheSensei2___flub.rpl (122.5 KB, 17 views)
00___bowandarrow__flub.rpl (95.3 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by flubbah; Oct 4, 2008 at 04:06 PM.
It makes me wonder..
I'm thinking the same thing as Stupinator, why does the third one have MY name in it ? lol

My favorite replay is the 360 laxed kick, very nice buildup, nice decap and pose.

good show, flubolicious even.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
well... Get Rutz to remake the 3rd and it'll be epix XD nah but all are really cool Flub... Wish I could remember how to play this game properly XD

(psst Rutz, teach how me to beat Meta)
I accidentally the whole bottle... Is this bad?
it was good...except the bow and arrow looksed nothing like drawing a bow :o it was still good
Technical Old School. - It exists.
zerogravityboomkickflub: yeah, head-grabbing boomkicks are getting a bit old, all have (almost) the same DM's.. but you did say it's nothing out of the ordinary, so I guess you're bulletproof here
lolflubklapowie: beautiful. I like the fast second half of the spinning
rutzthesensei2: I can definitely see Rutzor in there, but you seem to have a problem shifting to tipping to another direction where he would, and instead you keep tipping in the same one. the grab and kick were a bit of an anticlimax.
bowandarrow: just another boxing-ish punch, don't see no bow and arrow... but at that, it was a good one.
I refuse to grab.
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Thanks, arch. Knew you would come sometime.
and for this replay. I'm sure lots of people have seen this, but i just wanted to post it here to more people would tell me what they think of it.
Attached Files
It makes me wonder..
I liked them. Specifally bow and arrow.

Not sure why you felt the need to dance around a lot in the third one, but it was nice.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
flozo was a pretty average splitcap. ot maybe somewhat above, more than a tad but not much. the tapkick does it. it just doesn't look good, and since you could have extended the knee a bit more after the kick, I don't see why you didn't.

it's not bad though, just not really good.
I refuse to grab.
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