Flub_Replays? What the heck?
Yeha... replays it is indeed. Replays you shouldn't even look at because they're so horrible by the look D:
kay, enough ranting on about the replays. On with the show.
zerogravityboomkickflub: Not really zero gravity, it's just me flying in the air along with uke and happen to do a grab boomkick. Nothing out of the ordinary.
lolflubklapowie: This is a relaxed 360 kick. Nothing more to say.
0000__RutztheSensei2___flub: After Rutzor started giving me some tips about improving myself, i started to make a replay of what i had learnt. And yes, i know this replay is fail. BUT, i only posted it because it had a splitcap in 1 shot ;p
00___bowandarrow__flub: Simple. At the start, you'll see me pulling and invisble bow and arrow, then next thing you know, my punch would pretty much resemble the arrow.
Rate, comments C&C, you know what to do.
Last edited by flubbah; Oct 4, 2008 at 04:06 PM.