Originally Posted by Erif View Post
Wow.. Well I guess ponies are cool too.
My one week vacation just started.. And guess what I've been doing non stop for the past two days, Repairing shit and laying cables and crap like that. Its cool that we now have wired internet in the basement, but damn it was annoying.

Everybody loves ponies! <3 Well... not everybody... but I'm everybody so I like ponies so therefore everybody likes ponies.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by Twilight View Post
Everybody loves ponies! <3 Well... not everybody... but I'm everybody so I like ponies so therefore everybody likes ponies.

My Personal Opinion on MLP/MLP:FIM
I don't like it, but I couldn't care less if other people do. I don't think it is bad or anything, but I am not going to make fun of someone for liking it. That is like making fun of someone for taste is music, religion, sexual orientation, or art.
my clan was deleted
Originally Posted by Toolfree View Post
I don't like it

Have you actually watched it? No point of forming an opinion if you don't have all of the relevant details.

I haven't watched it, and so I have no valid opinion regarding it.