Originally Posted by TomWanks View Post
2K before we have enough to pay for official! This calls for a lil celebration

Also I might add what we are going to do from now on. We primarily need to work on being active, being on the clan IRC and keeping up with the clan. A big problem is that we clan members forget to frequently check the Vintage thread and post about things, and we need to clear that up soon. We arent afk or anything, its just we forgot to do what we needed over feb.

Also we should be getting 1-4 members in the future, and from there on in im most likely applying for official near March 12 to May depending on how long it takes us to function as an official grade clan. Mind you we are going on the right track here, and its up to you guys to keep the effort on keeping this clan alive, as its a group effort. Remember that your clan members are friends you can just come here to chat with if you need to.
Thats pretty much it guys, I hope you know whats needed of you.

Also some more clan wars would be nice, we should get some of them ;)

2k sent. Also, I've tried to war like 6 clans, and then realized I couldn't make wars. Fix this and I'll cry in joy.
If you head over to my house, you'll be (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2