Original Post
Get over it.
Uke Needs to get over his pain.

Note: I haven't made a replay in a while, so These might not be so great :P
1st : uke landed on his head. Lol. Fail.
2nd : Just a triple kick.
3rd : Decap kick..
4th : 1st madman in a hwhile.
Attached Files
bad landing - 2w.rpl (96.2 KB, 12 views)
Triple kick.rpl (173.4 KB, 13 views)
UkeCap1.rpl (139.6 KB, 9 views)
Madman1.rpl (173.1 KB, 13 views)
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Well man, this is a nice batch of replays.

1. Kind of silly, but in a good way. 5/10
2. I probably couldn't have made this replay. That being said I have also seen better kick combos from you in the past. The decap was nice, but again I think you can do better. 6/10
3. I liked it. However with that much time to spare after the decap I would have liked to see some more things happen, or some better dancing :P 6/10
4. Now this I like good use of grabs, nice style. It may be because I am finally playing without frame skipping on, but for some reason it seems a tad slow :/ But yeah, for not having played in awhile, nice 8/10
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
bad landing: I don't like badlandings, especially as the sole treat of a replay, but this was good, as much as a badlanding can bee in my opinion.
triple kick: great. could've been faster, but it's slow enough to make it a worse replay either. could do with a pose though.
UkeCap1: pretty average really... and the grab. this is the black horse of the bunch. not really bad, but not any especially good. in terms of strikes that is, the dancing was good.
Madman1: fast and stylish, and has a very rare feat: a rip that I kinda like. it looks like ripping, if not a real limb off, at least tough fabric or something. not like ripping paper like it usually does. could have had strikes from more sides than one, though, but this time it didn't really bother, since uke was flipping and turning and taking the attention off it.

and deady, what happened to "el hefe dos muerte" or whatever? what'd it mean, anyways?
I refuse to grab.
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