Aaa-yeee-aaa-yeee-aaa: sorry, mod replays aren't really my thing, but the spinning and pivoting arm in the end was nice.
archlurpy: Actually i watched this last to cherish the curiosity. I did enjoy it, but it didn't remind me of my splitpunches. that's because mine are usually straight and not backhands. that's good though, it's your replay after all. I also spent ten minutes trying to edit it into something I might have done with the starter, but I could only make arm punches, so the starter is, although looking familiar, different from mine. Who would've guessed, the camper brothers of the forums are actually two separate people 0.o
Clean split: nice and fast, even after the split. the only negative thing I could come up with here is the arm DM that takes some of the spotlight offa the split, since that is the main feat of the replay.