Original Post
Aikido Tourney Hack/Glitch/Cheat/I don't even
So I was playing aikido, just won the semifinals, and was expecting to fight PassTerma from the Skullz clan in the finals. Then he DC'ed from the server, but the chat said he recieve the 500tc prize. Wtf happened? And also, is there a way to scroll up in the chat? I would've screencapped it, but it happened to fast that I didn't really get to it.

EDIT: Added the picture.
Attached Images
ToribashCheater.jpg (14.8 KB, 64 views)
Last edited by klavskk; Mar 14, 2014 at 08:46 PM. Reason: added a picture
Use some image hosting site like to upload the image please. I can't see the text on the one that you have attached.
PS. to scroll up on the chat press the "`" key aka the key below escape key and then use your mouse wheel or page up and down key to scroll.
There's hacking in this game now? Wow.

Twilight Moderated Message:
I'm going to continue going after you unless you stop post farming in support. Pretending to have an answer or just useless posting won't get you anywhere. Take a break.
Last edited by Foxy; Apr 7, 2014 at 04:25 AM.
Bringer of Hell
Originally Posted by Seihareach View Post
There's hacking in this game now? Wow.

There is no hacking in this game, don't come to conclusions. It was just a game glitch.

Also for things that involve the game glitching, try posting in Support, your questions and problems about that type of stuff will get answered quicker. I am going to go ahead and move this thread over to Support so maybe you can get a better answer. Thanks.