what the... is this? rly? n-Nuthug is o-Oblivion?? no this can't be true. if it's then i can just say..... lol. I feel like Nuthug is true tb legend if that's really true.
"raawr says the dinosaur right?"
Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
Awesome stuff man. I really like that you put in some stuff about hacking, because no one knows how to do it and no one has really made any in-depth tutorials about it. It's a facet of replaymaking that has been impenetrable for too long.

Cheers broski! More hacking stuff will follow and I'll try to reveal a lot of specific hacks that aren't written anywhere else.

Also if anyone doesn't understand a step on one of the tutorials just ask it up here and answers will be given!

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Hey Oblivion! Congrats again. I avoid ErthTK rooms when you're in them hahaha

Thanks! I try to find you in other rooms though, so that I can get my ass whooped and learn something.
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
Top 5 favorite replay makers?

NutHug, Nightin, Jaker, Larfen, Pulse, in no specific order and with some bias added in
Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
Why do men have nipples?
How can we time-travel?

The gender of fetuses is only determined at a later stage of development, so we all get nipples at first but mammary growth in most of the cases stays exclusive to women because of hormonal differences.
Become an astronaut and age around 20 miliseconds less than Erthbound people! Time dilation isn't exactly the same as time travelling but but but
Originally Posted by Course View Post
any tips on replay making btw? (other than relax-all)

Learn how to use hold, specially if you're more down to the realism path.
It removes just as much floppy and sudden twitchy movements as needed to give a whole different feeling to a replay.
Originally Posted by Karstnator View Post
Wait wait wait... you're NutHug too? You are his alt?

What the heck?

Originally Posted by lozker View Post
what the... is this? rly? n-Nuthug is o-Oblivion?? no this can't be true. if it's then i can just say..... lol. I feel like Nuthug is true tb legend if that's really true.

Qblivion is NutHug.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.