Original Post
[S] Magma Force, Azurite Primary Gradient, Azurite Torso
Today I'm selling off these items

Accepting TC or Trade.

At a rate of 52 USD for all these items in the shop, at the current tc price per usd as around 7k/USD, this equates to 52 x 7,000 = 364,000 TC for all the items.
Since I'm so generous, I will sell for 40k.
Last edited by Swaves; Mar 28, 2014 at 05:00 AM.
I'm aware that you're having a hard time selling these items. I'm here as a friend to help you find a way out of this madness. 10k. This is a generous offer on my part. I can rid you of these items.
Originally Posted by Corey View Post
I'm aware that you're having a hard time selling these items. I'm here as a friend to help you find a way out of this madness. 10k. This is a generous offer on my part. I can rid you of these items.

I have a 7.5k offer for the azurite items by them selves, so that means I would be selling the magma force for only 2.5k. I am not asking that much with 40k for all, since I bought magma force for 40k.
If you are really my friend send over the 40k....
i'll be happy to offer 20k. i'm not 100% sure why anyone owns gradients and torsos anymore, but i'll purchase it nonetheless
Originally Posted by Market Rules
C) Do not attempt to sell, or pay with items or Toricredits that are not in the inventory of the account that is posting. No; "It's in a bank account". This also covers the sale of items currently in the market.

Please take the Magma Force and Azurite Primary Gradient off of the Market.