[B] Buying Mass Textures
My name is Kyle and i attempt to buy any textures include joints as much as i could.
I am not presume myself as marketeer, so the price i'll throw probably not exactly same as you were looking for and you may not satisfied.
First of all, you have to allegiance with following rules.
- You offer first, due to stated thing above.
- No high-balling.
- No rude and obnoxious post.
- Please state what kind of textures (e.g 128, 256, 512, ground, joints, etc).
- This is buying thread, which mean don't ever try to offer & buying items from my inventory.
- Not interested with miscellanous textures such [GUI] and Bumpmap since they're useless and valuable are decreased accordingly.
The violation of rules above may result neglection of your offer(s).
Serious offence may result blacklisted from this thread permanently.
To prevent myself from high-balling and unreasonably prices, i'll put list of my own price.
Send the items whenever the following prices is suitable for you.
Of course negotation is acceptable as long price is benefical for both parties.
- 128 Texture (except head) : 1.2k
- 256 Texture : 5.5k
- 512 Texture : 15k
- 128 Ground Texture : 12k
- 256 Ground Texture : 20k
- 512 Ground Texture : 60k
- Flame Particle Texture : 3k
- DQ Texture : 20k
- Small 128 Joint Texture : 6k
- Big 128 Joint Texture : 10k
- Full 128 Body Texture : 25k
- Full 256 Body Texture : 80k
- Full 512 Body Texture : 280k
- Full 128 Joint Texture : 150k
Feel free to offer any un-listed items above as well as long its texture.
Once again, negotation is acceptable.
Click here to check my current balance.
About to spending all of them with no one left immediately.
Well, pretty self explanatory.
Go offer your texture here!