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shit i did forget a part, could i put it in or is it too late? plus this is what its like when i get banned: *join* homelikej: hello! *banned*
Originally Posted by homelikej View Post
shit i did forget a part, could i put it in or is it too late? plus this is what its like when i get banned: *join* homelikej: hello! *banned*

I believe this role would apply in this situation "While you may reapply after being rejected, you cannot do so immediately afterwards. A minimum waiting period of ten days will be enforced, unless otherwise stated."

When Toolfree said you weren't the kind of person we wanted because you got banned "alot", it wasn't because you got banned, it was because you spelled a lot as "alot". Keep that in mind.
When Toolfree said you weren't the kind of person we wanted because you got banned "alot", it wasn't because you got banned, it was because you spelled a lot as "alot". Keep that in mind.


I must expand on Icewarrior's statement. While an incorrect spelling isn't necessarily grounds for rejection, it can affect our decision if the mistakes are frequent and obvious. Most of the time, mistakes are either accepted(mostly due to English not being the applicant's first language) or remedied, depending on the situation. As he said, a minimum waiting period of ten days must go by before you may re-apply.
Last edited by hawkesnightmare; Apr 4, 2014 at 03:49 AM.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.