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trying to figure out how to do multiplayer decaps
I need help with multiplayer decappping, if someone could help that would be great!
(im only available sometimes)
I log in once every 3 years
Well Ducky. Decapping is a form of skill used by fluency. If you need more info here are some Q and A's

Q: What is fluency and how is this important to decapping?
A: Fluency is moving so that the momentum swings with it making everything look clean. It's kind of like water.

Q: What can I do to get the decap? I keep hitting the head but nothing works...
A: Most decaps are not aimed for the head. Try aiming for the neck.

Q: I keep hitting the neck but no decap. how can I get the decap?
A: Try relaxing your ankles. This allows to get "into" the joint and almost dismember it every time.

If you need more information just PM me.
Buck_Turgidson brings up great points.

I think you should also realize that multiplayer decaps have a lot of factors that rely on chance.

First, your opponents may be doing moves that are very good at defending decap attacks (if this is the case, your decap attacks will not work).

Second, you need to understand how to build enough momentum to actually remove a head.
If you ever see people throwing strong punches in game you should watch and analyze the movements they use.
try to move legs in opposite directions (in terms of forward and backwards not side to side) and in slow mods like aikido grabbing them near the head allows you to pull them closer and get the force of both arms rather than just one. This grabbing and pulling is useful for starting with little momentum but if you are already spinning quickly then try to maintain this movement and punch in the direction that side of your body is moving. timing is important too. If you extend your arm fully before it reaches them then your elbow will not put any force in and the movement will be pointless. this is the same for any joint movement when attempting dismemberment. Contacting elbow only works if you hit them before you arm is fully bent because at this point that bending movement has finished. try to have all involved joints still acting on your movement at the time of impact. if you are spinning consider starting moving slower joints before faster joints (wrist comes last so it just flicks head).

Does this help at all?

Decaps aren't that important. try to learn to kick off peoples shins in aikido because this makes it hard for them to win if they don't get arrogant and lose concentration afterwards.

It depends on the Mod. If you told me what mod you are focussing on I can help you a lot more.

Thank you for reading.
Good morning sweet princess
Try to picture and intrrpreate what your opponent will do And proceed from there. Kicks are the most effective for decaps.
Something that will help you more than you know is watching people who are better than you and mimicking their movements. Careful! Plagiarism is annoying.
Last edited by SuckerPunch; May 7, 2014 at 12:52 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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