Original Post
I like it really much ! Despite from that, Samopal videos are always cool anyways.

The music is pretty nice, but I'd suggest to use some more variation of editing. The effect is pretty cool but making a whole video only in this one atmosphere may look a bit static (?). I don't really have an idea of video editing at all but I think that's what I'd suggest ... But I really like it !
those sneakers are ridiculous

freecam was all over the place, sort of gave me a head ache

the old timey effect was pretty cool I guess

what I could see of the replays were nice

ease up on the freecam dude

the goblin
I see you have good idea of making a vids, but you should chill your camera a bit and dont keyframe it so randomly ;)
"Film look" or however its called fx looks nice, maybe a little too wobbly, but its mixing with music and replay pretty nicely.
About the footage, wtf shoes xD Replays was pretty good. Try syncing your vid, thats like the most important thing to do imo. You can try using "velocity" that makes syncing whole lot easier. Not bad for first vid
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
whaaat was going on
camera work was bad as well as sync and shaders
i for one thought the old timey didn't fit
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Nice vid and yeah calm with freecam ^^u

Offtopic: he got shoes or I dream? how is possible? oOu
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
I believe this video is good but it just needs some adjusting like the sneakers there are terrible and you just need to adjust on the effects a little bit.
So basically, fix the things?

Ok, so actual cnc now.
The old timey effect didn't fit because of how fast the keyframes were going.
If you didn't mean to sync the hits you got pretty lucky, most of them are synced.