Pledge loan
If someone need TC atm he can loan them from other guy and return more TC that he loned after some time. For be sure that TC will be returned the loaner send to creditor some items and if tc not returned in agreed time loaner owns the items. To prevent from creditor just take the items before time of returning they must be locked in credtor's acc. Safetrade system after little upgrade can be used for loans like this.
Example of request from loaner side: Loaner add pledge(items), amount of returned tc and time(lets say 2 days) when tc must be returned. Creditor check the items, time and sum. If he ok with that he add tc and updateinf loan request. Now loaner cheking updated request and if accepteing this his items locked in loan system for 2 days. If loaner didnt returned tc that have to return in 2 days, items unlocked and removing into the creditor's deactivated inventory.