The simple do's and dont's of Backseat Modding
Feel free to direct a player to correct places for example i cant upload textures or they posted in the wrong section (this saves us the time of typing out a simple reply while there is some guy spamming another thread elsewhere that needs dealing with).
By all means feel free to help with anything you know will help your fellow community members even if its directing them to us (spamming the word noob and such isnt classifiable as "helping" and makes you worse than the person your insulting, besides this usualy leads to flamming and usualy gets u banned/warned also).
Dont threaten players with bans cause you think there gonna get banned, this makes us want to ban you instead for you being a dick to player who might just be new to the forums.
Dont tell members there gonna get, unless you have the right and power to carry forth that threat, and if you do have that power this doesn't count for you.
As obvious as it is if you think a player has post something wrong or made a bad thread or its in the wrong place we dont need you to attempt our jobs, either help us by helping them politely, contact us, or just ignore it as we are 99% most likely to find it and deal with it anyway.