Original Post
[S] TC to reliable buyers
Looking to sell TC

Rate for small buys: 7.25k/$
Rate for buys above 5$: 7.50k/$
Rate for buys above 10$: 7.75k/$
Rate for buys above 20$: 8.00k/$
Rate for buys above 50$: 8.50k$
-No higher in any case whatsoever!-

I only sell for accounts that seem reliable.

PM or post here.

I also sell in € and the rate is slightly better!
Ive always been skeptic on buying from other people, but how does it work? You seem reliable and ive heard of your name but can you explain the process to me? Also the amount I have to spend is 30usd on tc.
Last edited by Azuroth; May 17, 2014 at 09:54 PM. Reason: Amount of usd.