age: 20
belt: 2nd dan
skill: manips and replay making special thanks to larfen for teaching how to manip on skype
reason: urban is a clan i have app,lyed for before but it was deleted by someone idk how and cause i have been kicked out of death mlg evo and yes and M
for no reason at all i was active online but i cant go on the forums that much cause im making replays ive 3 manip replays now and ones just called manip it was a practice along time ago if u except me i will be a huge benefit on ur clan trust me
age: 20
belt: 2nd dan
skill: manips and replay making special thanks to larfen for teaching how to manip on skype
reason: urban is a clan i have app,lyed for before but it was deleted by someone idk how and cause i have been kicked out of death mlg evo and yes and M
for no reason at all i was active online but i cant go on the forums that much cause im making replays ive 3 manip replays now and ones just called manip it was a practice along time ago if u except me i will be a huge benefit on ur clan trust me. real name: Logan
Belt:3rd black belt
Preferred Mods:Wushu,Mushu,aikido,xspar,judo,tekkayon,aikido bigdojo,greykido,parkour
Old Clans:Phonex,Beta,Rae,Kira,TNG(OWNED),Vengnece(OWN ED),WuTang(FOUNDED),Maybe(FOUNDED),Worm(FOUNDED),E ditors(FOUNDED)
Why do you want to join?:
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?:I can bring wushu, aikido, tekkayon, and judo. I need to work on judo and tekkayon, also spar
Other Qualities:I usually get along with others UNLESSS they try to unsult me or use something that shows no skill and just say rekd.
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
We do not accept replays made on previous accounts. If you've made a new account, then make new replays.
Replay form:
Attached Files They wonder who i am.rpl (101.5 KB, 0 views) jeremiah3342elm-I dont need a wrist.rpl (41.1 KB, 0 views) jeremiah3342elm-They Wonder who i am.rpl (101.5 K
It's been almost a year since my last application, figured it's about time I give it a go again.
Age: 16
Nationality: Swedish, GMT +2
Belt: 4th dan
Preferred Mods: Most sparring and parkour mods, also taekkyon and aikidoBD.
Old Clans: [Hunters] and (Quest)
Why do you want to join?: Because you guys are respectable, hilarious people and great replay makers. Also because Urban is very prestigious and I was told not to give up on my goals.
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?: As of recent I've become quite a dedicated replay hacker, one of few in the community actually, I guess that's what seperates me from most other replaymakers. I also know my way around the modmaker.
Other Qualities: I play League, like many of you, though not on the NA server. I've got 600ish wins under my belt, not that many perhaps, but I've only played since Zac was released.
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
We do not accept replays made on previous accounts. If you've made a new account, then make new replays.
Replay form: YourName - ReplayName.rpl
Draw a Lemon:
So fresh
Not that long of a post this time because as far as I know the only thing that kept me from joining last time I applied was my replays and perhaps my attitude, I don't handle critique very well, but I'm working on it.
Read this if you need more detailed information about me, most of it is still accurate.