Original Post
Hey guys,

In order to rebuild UNCE, we need to be actively recruiting.
I know that you guys are busy with school, and all, but I'm in my Senior year, so I really don't have much work.
I'm able to be active almost daily, and I would like to be sort of a "head recruiter" type person.
I'm basically asking for permission to test people and recruit them into the clan.
Also, I would want mod powers to be able to update the roster.

Just a thought,
VISIT MY HEAD SHOP - Most heads only 500 tc!
TreyDude: Its not cool to leave just because you're losing
Isilra: I'm French....
TreyDude: Oh. That explains it.
If you are able to recruit, great!!!

We need a recruiter not being burdened with homework!

As for the mod powers, I don't actually know how to give them to someone, but I'll figure it out.

Thanks for doing this!
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
Alright, um... as far as I know, you just have to ask ManBreakfast to give someone mod powers on this forum. I'll start recruiting ASAP, and just referring the candidates to this forum. As soon as I get mod powers, I'd like to be able to update the roster.
VISIT MY HEAD SHOP - Most heads only 500 tc!
TreyDude: Its not cool to leave just because you're losing
Isilra: I'm French....
TreyDude: Oh. That explains it.
Keep in mind this,don't let everyone get away with mod powers on these forums. FriedRice needs them as well. 3 should be enough imo
Yeah, too many mods would definitely be a bad thing.
Thanks Bez
VISIT MY HEAD SHOP - Most heads only 500 tc!
TreyDude: Its not cool to leave just because you're losing
Isilra: I'm French....
TreyDude: Oh. That explains it.
MBK is kinda inactive.
Delaid, Vii, and Dikarika also have the powers if MBK doesn't answer.
Thanks bro.

Oh, and....
Does this mean I'm also a Co-Manager?
Thanks again,
Last edited by TreyDude; Oct 20, 2008 at 05:15 AM.
VISIT MY HEAD SHOP - Most heads only 500 tc!
TreyDude: Its not cool to leave just because you're losing
Isilra: I'm French....
TreyDude: Oh. That explains it.
Ummm I'm leader, Fried's co-leader, and you're the head recruiter lol

Which at this time is actually probably the most important position haha

How's the recruiting going? Have you found anyone interested in joining yet?
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!
I've found a few, and directed them to the forums.

But it doesn't seem like any have posted...

Are we still Blackbelt and up?

And how's the mod thing going?
VISIT MY HEAD SHOP - Most heads only 500 tc!
TreyDude: Its not cool to leave just because you're losing
Isilra: I'm French....
TreyDude: Oh. That explains it.
We're not blackbelt and up anymore-maturity is more important than skill just now

Idk about the mod thing though I haven't gotten any replies
The ToriNews Organization HELP REBUILD UNCE!!!