you fool me uh? >: )
in first, let me tell you, my set got only positive comments atm, don't try to depreciate the set I made with Leb3ast (a member of you clan btw) to make you feel better because your just jealous ^^ and you beat me tow times at erthkv2 ok, on 3 match you won 2, now let tell you my rank on that mod is 26, I get a streak of 37 when I was 3rd dan, sure, against some blue and brown belt, but the only one who stop my streak was Blueevil if I remind good. about my English... can you only formulate 1 correct sentence in French? no I don't think so "je t'emmerde cordialement ^^". if you want to know more about my life, I'm 20, I come from france, thank you I'm alive, yes I got money and a job(in the other case I wouldn't get my items), yes I got a house (apartment, not like you who live with your mother "you got 10 héhé") for internet, a car for my job, I'm not nudist sorry, and yes I got a penis... he's just hidden into your mouth.
next time Ill more mature, for now it's my birthday :3
oh and vitta, I wonder to help you in art and all background stuff
Last edited by Astral; May 25, 2014 at 02:26 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!