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[Serious]Russia cheating on IHC
So, I just found out that Russia cheated on Ice Hockey Championships, Russia vs Sweden

Originally Posted by Iltalehti
Ruotsalaislehti: Venäjä voitti fuskaamalla - "Säälittävää"

Ruotsalaislehti Aftonbladetin mukaan Venäjän valmentajan toiminta oli vähintäänkin kyseenalaista.
Venäjän valmentajan touhuista kohistaan Ruotsissa. (EPA / AOP)

Znarokin häpeämätön toiminta Kummolan tulilinjalla

Ruotsalaisviestimien mukaan kurkunleikkauseleestä toimitsijakieltoon määrätyn venäläisjoukkueen valmentajan Olegs Znaroksin toiminta MM-finaalin aikana oli vähintäänkin kyseenalaista.

TV 4 -kanavan mukaan kuvasarja paljastaa, kuinka katsomon lehtereiltä käsin ottelua seurannut Znaroks mitä ilmeisimmin välitti käskyjä vaihtopenkille.

Kuvat näyttävät Znaroksin korvassa piilevän napin sekä vaihtopenkillä käskyjä jakaneen apuvalmentajan hihasta pilkottavan mikrofonin.

- Surullista, että venäläiset eivät kunnioita sääntöjä, sanoi entinen jääkiekkoilija, nykyinen valmentaja Niklas Wikegård kanavalle.

Wikegårdin mielestä valmentaja ei olisi saanut kommunikoida apuvalmentajansa kanssa. Samoilla linjoilla on ruotsalaislehti Aftonbladetin haastattelema valmentajakollega Leif Boork, joka kuvaa Znaroksin tekosia "säälittäviksi".

- Se on valitettavaa, eikä sitä saisi tapahtua, Boork tylyttää.

Aftonbladetin tulkinta tapauksesta onkin selkeä: "Venäjälle kultaa valmentajafuskauksen jälkeen", otsikoi lehti verkkosivuillaan.

Lähde: Aftonbladet

Translated: Swedish magazine: Russia won by cheating - '' pathetic ''

The Swedish magazine Aftonbladet , the Russian coach's action was questionable to say the least .
Russian coach 's hot 've done in Sweden. (EPA / AOP)

Znarokin shameless action Kummola the line of fire

Swedish Messengers , the official ban imposed throatcutting gesture Russian team coach Olegs Znaroksin action during the World Cup finals was at least questionable .

4 TV channel of the image sequence , reveals how the auditorium in the gallery manually match followed Znaroks apparently forwarded commands the bench .

The pictures look Znaroksin hidden button in the ear , as well as bench orders being split, split the assistant coach 's sleeve microphone.

- It's sad that the Russians do not respect the rules , said a former hockey player, current coach Niklas Wikegård channel.

Wikegård believes that the coach should not have to communicate with an assistant coach . Along the same lines is the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet Journal interview with coach colleague Leif Boork that describes Znaroksin 's doing , " sad" .

- It is unfortunate and should not happen , Boork says .

Aftonbladet's interpretation of the case is clear : "The number of gold after coach scam " was the headline Journal website.

Source: Aftonbladet


What you think? Should they be disqualifed or banned from next championships?

Apathetic User
This translation is not good. It seems that it is illegal for the coach to talk to an assistant coach? This seems strange to me. In most sports the coach is wearing a big headset and can make communications whenever they want.

Explain the issue better please.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Sadly I couldnt fix some of them because on mobile, but no they're not allowed in IHC

Apathetic User
From what I know (and what was said when Znarok was disqualified), he was allowed to communicate with an assistant coach using mobile / anything.
So, like, everyone here in Russia knew that he's going to continue talking to them via handsfree, these Swedish guys didn't discover anything new.

Anyway, I don't see what does Znarok's presence or absence has to do with the score / results, it wasn't him who played at the rink.
I know sir, but one team Was disqualifed because their coach Was cheating, idk

Apathetic User
I, too fail to see the problem here. What I got from it is that the coach is not allowed to relay commands to the assistant coach. This makes absolutely no sense to me or anyone else, it seems. Why isn't he allowed to talk to his assistant coach? What difference does it make who is giving the real orders if they're all officially part of the team?
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Ask swedish magazine, Aftonbladet, i just wanted to see reactions

Apathetic User