Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Hi everyone! My name is Wolfie and I'm from Spain. I've been playing this game before it was released on Steam so I know how to play it a bit. I didn't have enough patience to play it so i'm back with a new account.

I will apreciate if someone tells me if there's any Spanish tutor over here or a small community to begin with.

Thanks for reading! :3
There is most probably a Spanish only group that you can join, maybe that'd be best for you. If you need anything, PM me.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by WolfieIce View Post
Thanks for the help. How can I find that "only" clan?

Yes, If you need more help please contact someone. Be sure to at least ask anything cause we are possitive
On the black bar where it says community (the bar underneath your messages) click community and click the groups option, then search spain or something like that, and there'll be multiple groups probably which you could join.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I really need someone to begin properly again (i have begun before but i didn't know how to play it), i'll contact you when I need it. Thank you very much, nice community here.
Be prepared, this is just the welcoming procedure, so people will be nice to you here. Anyways, if you have any questions, PM me.