Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Finally made my way back! :)
Hey guys, I've recently started playing again, I miss all the old players I used to play with! The game has changed so much since I last played back in 2008-2009. I'm enjoying it though! Although I've kind of ditched this account with 2 others "PrototypePanda","ZappedX" which I ended up sticking with my new one "PrototypePanda" mainly because of my new Youtube channel

I'm trying to work out what clan I used to be in back in 2008, haven't seen anyone I used to know yet ^^

But it's about time I started using the forums again!
Originally Posted by monkey View Post
Hey guys, I've recently started playing again, I miss all the old players I used to play with! The game has changed so much since I last played back in 2008-2009. I'm enjoying it though! Although I've kind of ditched this account with 2 others "PrototypePanda","ZappedX" which I ended up sticking with my new one "PrototypePanda" mainly because of my new Youtube channel

I'm trying to work out what clan I used to be in back in 2008, haven't seen anyone I used to know yet ^^

But it's about time I started using the forums again!

Damn, lots of old players have came back not so many of them are as far back from the past as you are. Hya there, hope you get the used to the forums and the game again! Also, you can laugh at those people who wanted to change their name into monkey, but now they cant.
Originally Posted by duck View Post
Damn, lots of old players have came back not so many of them are as far back from the past as you are. Hya there, hope you get the used to the forums and the game again! Also, you can laugh at those people who wanted to change their name into monkey, but now they cant.

Thanks duck & Skylarrrr
Its okay, if you want to play with me and learn more about what has changed and stuff join the aikido tourney or do /jo tourney1.