Original Post
[S]Selling Yellow Steampunk Head 1k

Artist : Uss22
Previous Owner : None
Minimum Bid : 1k
Minumum Raise : 500
Auto-Buy: 10k
Recolour : Yes ( +2k to betting amount )
Last edited by uss22; Jun 2, 2014 at 06:57 AM.
You forgot to add the correct tag to your thread. For selling purposes please use the [S] tag. I put it there for you this time, but please don't forget in the future. Thanks.

Also please add the following information in the first post: Artist, Size, Are you willing to recolor? If so, how much. Previous owner if relevant.

Also for the pictures, I suggest just taking ingame pictures and uploading them to a filesharing website like imgur and using the button to post the pictures. Its easier that way.