Hey Lux Recruiters!
You said this was a free form application, so I would like to just tell my story.
A few years ago, I was very active. I went by Yondaime58, had just hit black belt and played a lot with the clan, the Brotherhood of Steel. Then the forums got hacked.
I had lost my main account and since then I became less and less active, before I stopped playing altogether.
Now, though, the desire to do the crazy stuff I saw people like Nuthug and other famous players have done has resurfaced.
Mostly I want to spar, but I honestly just want a group of people to play with. And you seem like a group of good, active people.
As I said before, I was a Black Belt, but now I'm a blue belt.
My favorite mods are Xspar, AikidoBD, Aikido, and Greykido. And a little bit of Wushu.
I go by Shawn on the internet.
My skype is allen.melo1
My IGN is Yondaime58
I'm 17
I don't have beast replays, since I just started playing again this week, but I do have some practices and such.
Please consider my application, guys! Cheers!
Attached Files
Practice On Running 1.rpl (88.4 KB, 5 views)
counter lift.rpl (60.1 KB, 4 views)
Running Roll Practice.rpl (85.3 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by Yondaime58; Jun 3, 2014 at 01:35 AM.