Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[AS] Assassin Squad
This clan will be for people who play ninjutsu and such, we have our own group of players and I thought that we should have a clan to unite under, war others and hunt some bounties.
The clan will be mostly ingame, I mean the forum activities will probably stay low at the beginning since none of us isn't very active on the forums right now but we will use the forums to communicate and probably will start to use the forums more.
The current members are: goblinmage(Leader), McDill, Cliff1020, Haruzo... and I got a few other that will join 99.9% but I havnt seen them today
idk if I shud name a bank account.. so for now I'll be the "bank" cus ill pay for everything anyway.
I aim to make this clan official as soon as possible because there are some really good and quite active players that will be in it and who I enjoy playing with.

Where do I send the 15k?