Name: Pingu887/Mikael
Age: 19 (20 in September)
Belt: 5th dan black
Country and timezone: Finland, Gmt +2
How active are you in-game and forums?(1-10): 9
Any clans you joined before us?(If yes, why did you leave/got kicked?): Yes. In 2009, [Beta] (The leader was Tyfuu) The clan died out, so I left it. In 2010 to 2011, DSquad, a clan that I lead on my own. It died during my 3 year break. In 2014, Nitro. I left Nitro because I got tired of people being overly cocky.
Contacts (Skype, E-mail, etc): I have Skype and Steam. Skype name: Rev is Spai Steam name: Powyel
What mod are you good in? (Optional: post replays): Aikidobigdojo.tbm is what I'm best at. But I can play nearly every mod decently.
What can you contribute to the clan?(Please make your claim strong,any proofs?): I can contribute in clan wars, and can contribute to forum activity.
Any bans/infractions?: Nope.
Why do you want to [Ascend]?: Because why not? It just seems like a friendly clan so I thought I'd give it a shot.
Player Card( nick here.png <---please copy it and add [IMG] tags):

Did anyone refer you here?: Vitta
Got some more to add?: Not a single word.