Christmas Lottery
the transistions weren't that good, the moment it ends, i see white, then i instantly see the beginning of the next replay
erm... good intro... just a rotating logo i see...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

need work with sync, transitions were kinda weird because they transitioned out but not into the next replay, camera seems a bit choppy and is from the almost exact same angle and distance away each replay which gets very boring very fast, cc seemed ok
Yeah, you need better/more sync. Also the replays are kinda slow compared to the music
I do some videos
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kind of the same thing i said on the other one, pacing is even more noticeably slow
i still like your cc. really subtle and not "in your face" or just not there like everyone elses
please make an actual intro. you only have to make one and youre fine fore the next 10000 videos
I think you only pick your old video and put a diferent song and add some pan/crop zoom.
Anything is better in this. Also, Try to make the replays more faster in some parts. Also, Disable resample pls.

Artist. Sometimes.