Name: Harry Robertson
Age: 19
Shifts you're willing to take, make it on GMT: I'm in New Zealand so 00:00 GMT and I'm pretty flexible so we can discuss shifts that suits tbradio best
Skype: I'm pretty sure the account is Captain_Library but you can just you my email to find it and I'll give that if you can't find it like that
Pls respond <3
Name: Brandon Sharp
Age: 14, 15 in September
Shifts you're willing to take: My GMT is GMT+/-4:00, as for when i'm available for hosting, pretty much most of the week except for weekends. So, Monday - Middle of the day Friday. I'll be on all day until school starts back, then i'll be on til 3:00 PM til 12:00 AM
Skype: w777bsharp, on a lot, can be AFK often.