Just like the usertitle shop you can do the same with sigs.
Say like you pay 10k per line you want added to your sig,
but the max is like 6 lines or something.
Like in the Profile custom store thread.
and animated sigs.
Maybe not 10k per line, that seems a bit too cheap, animated signatures can be achieved through VIP, etc. It would be a good idea to add this to the [Nabi] Profile customization thread though, buyable with TC/USD.
Very good idea, fully supported.
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I don't really like this idea because then it wouldn't even be needed to buy TP and VIP.
Its special to have this animated avatar and a image in ur signature and I strongly recommend it would not be bought with tc but USD. Its cheap I made 350k in 2 days from duels and stuff and I just sold it for USD and bought TP and VIP for only 15USD both.