Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Storage Wars: Permabanned accounts
So, a fun idea for permabanned accounts. Hide all the inventories, and list them by name and qi and auction them off. When you win an auction for an account you get all the items the person had on it. Inspired by storage wars, it would be a form of jackpot bidding. Any comments?
<rekd>Marinara is the best lube
Seems better than just losing the items forever, but, feels weird because youre having profit and fun from other people being permabanned. I don't know, but, it's better than just wasting I guess.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Some accounts are perma'd because they were compromised, others are reversed when they come back. The accounts that would actually be able to participate in this would be rare and most people would only want select items instead of the entire inventory.

This has somewhat already started too, for example the flame sale in the items section.
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
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I know about the flame returns, that's what sparked the idea. The idea behind this though is that eligible accounts would be like a random jackpot. You really have no idea what you'd get off the account, you just have to go off qi and past knowledge. That way there's a bit of mystery behind it. :3
<rekd>Marinara is the best lube
seems pretty cool and it sounds like a great way to sink tc -supported
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
i just thought the lotto was broken or sold of tickets out before i knew about it
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
Yeah as baddas said, it'd be a nice way to sink tc out of the system.
Staff would have to start banning people for a long time instead of permas for request bans though.
Not sure.
half supported.
no it would be an event like an auction every time somone gets perma banned
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
Sounds cool. I see no problems with this, however, these accounts should have some sort of distinction that they were bought. It would be more of an item. (Great for tc sinks!)

I calls SHJZ's account.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.