Well I was going to try again the same time today. So in around 8/9 hours or a little more from when this is posted would be when you should be ready.

Important azz edit:

I found Rizle ingame. He said that most of MFT are active +3 to +7 GMT in the evening. His GMT is +5. So I was thinking what kind of time could we do it ( preferrably tommorow ) or as soon as possible that would allow our members to show up considering our GMTs legit range between GMT-10 and GMT+10

I thought maybe 1PM-3PM GMT but idk where that would leave przero at and I was banking on ian going to work at 4am so not being too phased by a late time. ( I think it would be 3am-5am for ian? )

I can be on pretty much any time as long as I know the time in advance (GMT+1) its just that whatever crazy time I'm up at Abyss would be up at too


4PM in +5GMT time zone on Thursday is the agreed date and time, I think that would work for a lot of the members unless work and so
Last edited by N3WB; Jul 22, 2014 at 08:55 PM.

Originally Posted by N3WB View Post

4PM in +5GMT time zone on Thursday is the agreed date and time, I think that would work for a lot of the members unless work and so

I probably wont even be awake at that time, since I work late and early into the morning and then sleep through a good part of the day. However, I will see what I can do :I
I'm a game developer for other games.
Ping me if you have a query or general question unrelated to this game.
Originally Posted by N3WB View Post


4PM in +5GMT time zone on Thursday is the agreed date and time, I think that would work for a lot of the members unless work and so

Just gonna remind everyone when we're doing clan league. Also thats 11am GMT time to help you if you want to convert to your time zone.