Steve RPG
Steve doesn't know it yet, but he is the one destined to save the world. Lol.
It all starts off in the beginning at his work cubicle.
A. Go into the Staff Break Room.
B. Punch out & Go home.
C. Go ask Boss for a Raise, you are one of the Companies best Employees.
D. Work more
E. Create your own, First 4 to do this get it ironed in over har V
E1. Download some more icky, after that, go home and eat a cookie.
E2. Watch some internet Pr0n and risk getting fired.
E3. Torture your boss, Yes.
E4. Google images of Laundry detergent.
At Enough votes i will see which option has the majority
Last edited by jcgrey2; Oct 22, 2008 at 08:25 PM.