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[TEX] kremline's vermine tribute.
So, I recently bumped into vermine's old sets and it really inspired me ..
vermine and Mrama are not active anymore, but they are my two favourite texturers despite their respective styles being complete opposite.

This set was made using photoshop cs6 and with the help of my wacom bamboo tablet.. I spent a pretty god ammount of hours on it .. hope you enjoy !

(Oh and just in case , Please don't PM me about buying it yet .. it'll be for sale in a few weeks most likely . thanks)
I might come back soon, stay tuned !
The thing I like most about it is how well you've done the lighting to make it seem like it is actually glowing, perfect, well done!
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Nice set, but I think you used a poor choice of color. I don't think any forces will match it well. So I think you might as well go with a full joint set with it. Also I think it looks like a low res set.
Each texture is 512x512.

about the colors.. This was intentional .. yourself having asked for vermine style sets should know that most of vermine's sets don't match with any specific colors .
This is part of the whole style I was trying to emulate.

example :
I might come back soon, stay tuned !
Originally Posted by kremline View Post
Each texture is 512x512.

about the colors.. This was intentional .. yourself having asked for vermine style sets should know that most of vermine's sets don't match with any specific colors .
This is part of the whole style I was trying to emulate.

example :

I know I was going to compare it to irookie's set because that set also doesn't match any color, and I know theyre 512 tex I can see that, but they just seem a little low res.
Overall 6.7/10

Edit: Every time I look at these pics something looks off on the set, but I don't know what

But who knows im not an artist
Last edited by The7thVoid; Aug 2, 2014 at 04:57 PM.
I spotted weird things.

The shins look weird (near the knee) not sure what it is. They look weird o.0

Idk what are those "Blue thingies" Not sure if they're light or something.

The hand textures looks like its in 128 because of that dirt(?) on it.

Why don't you show us the back of it?

Give me a watermarked flat of the head pls. I'll show you what's wrong with it D:

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Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
I think the only thing I dislike about this set is the eyes, they just look like they don't match with the rest.