Original Post
Ummm... Ok?
So I had no idea the clan was alive and well.... Lol.

I would like to know whether or not I can be let back in.

I can play everyday now.
What do ya say?

On the other hand, I am wanting to make another montage for some practice. If you want me in the clan then I'll be happy to attempt an Evil video.

Just reply and let me know, PEACE OUT!
Reppin OLDA ಠ_ಠ
Woot. So is it official that I'm back in... Or do I need to get approval from some higher power? I don't know how the hierarchy works right now, so I will wait until someone tells me it's official before I go puttin the clan tag on. :3
Reppin OLDA ಠ_ಠ
NU I am video dude :3
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.
Hey Welcome back buddy

we missed you by thw way go vote in the election

just a quick update

Terty left tb forums i became leader and with the many loyal members we restored evil back to greatness

Forum Activity FTW
Now with 100% less angst
Wiggins hi! All this time I've been in Evil and I don't think we've even said hi to eachother lol XD, but I've heard about you so welcome back! How's your computer problem?
Sahee: so your nick is vagina? Dude you shouldn't get into clans, clans should get into you.