Original Post
[A] My Whole Deactivated - Start: 1 TC

I will be selling my whole deactivated today.

Starting bid: 1 TC
Minimum Raise: 100 TC
Autobuy: an infinite amount of TC's
Auction ends: 48 hours after last valid bid

If you bid, you bid on WHOLE my deactivated, there will be no exceptions.

Bonus: If you are the second to last bidder (e.g. the bidder before the one who buys it) you get 2.5% of the TC the buyer bids.


Out of TC's?
"I want to buy your deactivated, but I am currently out of TC's." No worries, see below.

Hakuna Matata

Last edited by EORAS; Aug 5, 2014 at 08:05 PM.
Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post
What if i don't have enough qi for some items?

You have, we are both Black Belt ;)