Ever had a unique opener you just couldn't go with? Or are you just interested in what someone else could do with it? Or do you geniunely find it hard to make an unique opener?
I know I sure do.
This is a thread where you can share openers for mere the love of replay making. Sure, it's pretty controversial but "AAAAAAAAA WHATEVER", right?
oh okay. there's a catch, right?
yes, yes there is
the openers are for experimental use
if you decide to use an opener posted here for an official replay of yours (claiming it as your own), you MUST give credit to whoever made the opener. be appreciative
aah. what else?
nothing really. uuuuuuuh, you can use a generic opener as a base but you HAVE to add on something to make it slightly less... generic.
well... this is my finnal of your replay i named your name oppener. i hope you like it. i've been sitting with this one for 2 hour's now... So it should do.
I didn't get that skeet right but after doing the skeep my head started to hurt to i saved and i need to rest now.