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in greece
give me 3 weeks

here's some first time corking (idk if it is a cork)
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click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
The start was really good at the end it slowed down but you pulled it off 6/10 good job
[The War Master of VoC]
A little strange way to go at it, but it was good. I would have preferred more of a transition from cork to cork, but it was still nice. I think the first one was a cork, but the other one looked more like some sort of offside backflip. I think corks are one of the nicest tricking moves, and they're the one thing I can't do. Pose was good, but the pose should have been made in one swift motion, rather than a few afterthoughts. Good way to start off your replay thread.