Original Post
Need more official room for judo.

4 days i play Toribash.
This game was very fun and cool before i up bleu and semi-pro.
Now for playing 1 round i must stand 20-30min...

They are only one judo room with always 12-16 players...

Sry for my bad english.
Feel free to post here if you're new - there's even an "Introduce yourself" section.
collect snots from the nose
Ah, you meant:

"We need more official judo rooms for higher belts"

Gynx got the wrong idea :/

<font face=&quot></font>
Toribash Season 1 Rank 3 | Ex-ES Artist | Ex-Mascot of [Alpha]
Then he can open the thread.

Too many players for only one room.
My four friends stop the game when they become bleu belt because is too long for playing.
If i must stand 20in for playing one round i think i stop the game to in few days.

Is a very fun game but stand 20min for playing 2min is not fun.

Sry for my bad english.
If you have a complaint against staff, post it in the "complain about staff" section.
If you have a server suggestion, post it here.
If you don't want your threads to be closed, read the stickied rules for each forum.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
If you have a server suggestion, post it here.

"Do something" isn't very constructive at all. I told you to use another thread for this kind of suggestion and that pretty much sums up this thread.
Try reading the board rules next time.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
"Feel free to post here if you're new - there's even an "Introduce yourself" section."

The problem is not section. Staff say the problem is i am not introduce.

And now the thread is delete... why ?
First of all, you posted that thread in a totally wrong section - Discussion is not a place for suggestions.
As Lazors has already said, there's also a different place for server suggestions.

I will look at how many semipro judo rooms we have now though, will add some if they're getting full.

P.S. thread isn't deleted, I merged it with this one.
Problem is not with you posting without introducing yourself, it's just because you start posting without knowing where to do that. Beginner Sanctuary is the exact place where it's better to have a start, people around there will always help you.