I'll CnC your latest three (because I go very extensive and it would take too long to do more.)
Plagued- I didn't really like this opener. It din't have much form, and it was pretty stiff. The punch wasn't too bad, but I think you could have gotten some more power behind it. At the same time though, the position you were in didn't really warrent much change. Maybe if you wound up a little more it would be better. The next kick got a bifurcate, but it wasn't a very hard kick. Try and get more speed in your replays, as well as fluidity. The way you got out of your final kick wasn't very realistic, but the pose you ended with was decent. I suggest you use the shift space feature to more use. Over all, this was pretty good, but it was generic.
Headshot- There's not much to say about this one. Your opener wasn't very creative or fast, but it got the job done. You made it to Uke and got a decap. The jump itself was decent as far as jumping on-9.82 gravity goes. The way you got the decap wasn't bad, but there wasn't much form. To get better kicks, contract your hip for a few turns first before you extend the knee, this will make it look more realistic. After the kick, you may have found another way to get to a pose instead of a jump. Quick and simple, but still decent. Well done.
Punch Bithocate- This is a one hit replay. There is nothing else. That single hit was stolen from "Swing of the Clock" by Tamer0. It's taken from the defaults. Somebody was going to notice. If you take openers from somebody, you should specify. I'm not sure if taking an opener and not specifying is bannable (I know if it's a full replay and you claim it as yours it is), but I'd avoid it in the future unless you state that it's not yours. Also, this is your replay thread, in my eyes, adding a replay means that it is yours and no one else's (unless specified)?
Also, really sorry for CnCing so hard. I do it for everybody, and I always find a lot wrong XD. Don't take it personally.
Last edited by SkyWhale; Sep 21, 2014 at 04:49 AM.