Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S] 1x512 Joint Texture, 3x256 Joint Textures ~ ANY REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE ACCEPTED
ToriShop Price:
Left shoulder joint texture 256x256 - 35k TC
Left wrist joint texture 256x256 - 25k TC
Right wrist joint texture 256x256 - 25k TC
Right elbow joint texture 512x512 - 40k TC
All together: 85k TC

My Price:
Left shoulder joint texture 256x256 - 21k TC
Left wrist joint texture 256x256 - 11k TC
Right wrist joint texture 256x256 - 11k TC
Right elbow joint texture 512x512 - 40k TC
All together: 43k TC

That's almost half the amount of TC that you would pay, if you were to buy them from the Torishop.
If you want to buy an item/some items at my price, send the tc, but make sure you post below saying that you've sent it, so I don't get double ups.
Enjoy your stay, accepting TC only.
Last edited by Donkey; Sep 22, 2014 at 02:28 PM.
father of philip scone
The joints are as follows:
Left shoulder joint texture 256x256
Left wrist joint texture 256x256
Right wrist joint texture 256x256
Right elbow joint texture 512x512

Also added to the first post.
father of philip scone
k.. 40k and deal
sent 40k to Donkey
Last edited by BBKing; Sep 22, 2014 at 11:35 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Item: Right elbow joint texture 512x512 has been sold to BBKing!

Items that remain include:
-Left shoulder joint texture 256x256
-Left wrist joint texture 256x256
-Right wrist joint texture 256x256
Last edited by Donkey; Sep 22, 2014 at 11:46 AM.
father of philip scone
Since there are none currently on the market, we'll have to deduct the amount off of the shop price.

ToriShop Price:
Left shoulder joint texture 256x256 - 35k TC
Left wrist joint texture 256x256 - 25k TC
Right wrist joint texture 256x256 - 25k TC
All together: 85k TC

My Price:
Left shoulder joint texture 256x256 - 21k TC
Left wrist joint texture 256x256 - 11k TC
Right wrist joint texture 256x256 - 11k TC
All together: 43k TC

That's almost half the amount of TC that you would pay, if you were to buy them from the Torishop.
Last edited by Donkey; Sep 22, 2014 at 02:17 PM.
father of philip scone
Why not I take the 256 wrist for 22k and I'll offer 16k for the 256 shoulder.
You've sent 22000 TC to Donkey.