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Child Discipline
Whats your ground on beating your children? Personally, I dont see it as wrong if you dont beat them mercilessly.

This child was on facebook, stating he was mlg kush 420noscopes. His parents found out, they beat him senseless. I Heard they were arrested for the endangerment of a child, but I dont really know about that.

I would have beat my kid if he tried doing some garbage like that. although, I wasnt raised in a home where I got beat for EVERYTHING. I got beat twice in my memory, I was probably like 7.
Last edited by smokinonthatKK; Oct 4, 2014 at 04:25 PM.
[8:12:11 AM] Yara Sparkle: come to netherlands everyone is naked.
This topic is definitely not an easy one, and causes a lot of debates and the like. In this situation i think a simple grounding or $20 off your allowance would have sufficed. The child's behaviour reflects badly on the family but it's not like he's the only 12 year old on face book that 420 blazes it (faggot)
It obviously depends on the situation.
If it's something serious they probably deserve it; within limits obviously, you can't beat a child to near-death; if it's something small, like saying mlg kush 420noscopes, who the fuck cares, its the internet, what are you or your kid gaining from you beating him senseless.

Almost everything regarding parenting can depend on the situation
Ive been beaten but for when I did something wrong.

- Dropping my moms vase (beaten twice for dropping it twice, and one of the times it wasnt even me)
-Spilling tea (once)

and some other things I can no longer remember.

Though now I am much more scared of my parents to go against things they say. If my dad says do the dishes I don't say "Why can't my brother do it" though I want to say that, I am too scared to go against their word.

Though in this situation, a beating was not needed, nevermind near-death. A simple grounding would have been good enough or making him to do the dishes for the week.
I think so far we can all agree that the adults blew it way out of proportion, he got hit one to many a time for me to feel at all comfortable
Last edited by desu; Oct 4, 2014 at 03:14 PM. Reason: grammar
tbh the parent overreact over small things like mlg kush on facebook. Not my right to judge the parent though. There's doting parent, there's strict af parent.
Why he didn't tries to avoid the hit though. Maybe he's afraid of more beating by the parents. Dad once tries to slap me because of pr0n (yeah, ikr), evaded the slap and he gets angrier.
Uh, no. I remember getting kicked deliberately by my Dad when I was young. I was annoying him, but the act scarred me for life. I don't think he remembers it, but I sure do.

When it comes to punishment, beating is obviously the easiest and quickest solution for disciplining. I wouldn't recommend it to any parent, as it can cause mental damage, and there are a ton of other solutions to disciplining.
As most of you have said by now beating is definitely not the solution if your kid does something wrong, i think the right thing to do would be to sit down with them for a bit and talk about what they did. I'm 16 so i don't really get beat but another thing parents like to do is take the child's things away, which can just make the child more defiant and doesn't really teach them a lesson. Beating just makes the child afraid of their parents and similar to what MintCat said, can sometimes lead to mental damage depending on the severity of the beating, or how frequently it happens.
Last edited by Triton; Oct 4, 2014 at 04:39 PM.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
I'm sure you could raise a kid that doesn't beat old men to death without beating them. Unless he/you're a psycho.
I've only been beaten for slapping my mother in the face when I was... 4?

It was out of anger & it was stupid.

My brother doesn't beat his children. That's because he doesn't care what they do. People have already done it to him before.