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What is your favorite activity on toribash?
I see most people do a lot of things on toribash and most of them are things like hosting servers, posting on forums, mostly played mod, etc. After years of experience this is my topic I'd like to know. Do you love doing this? Why do you do this? How many times do you do these things? I really would like to know

Any questions just ask.
I like making replays because it's fun and somewhat challenging.
Well it's challenging to make out-standing content now, I find a lot of things keep coming easier to me as time goes by. It's been like what, 3/4 years since I started playing. Still enjoy the challenge of continuously trying to pump out stuff that's better then everything else.
Not that it ever happens.
Turning off toribash to go play a different game because waiting to play over 10 minutes is not considered fun.
[8:12:11 AM] Yara Sparkle: come to netherlands everyone is naked.
I don't do it much, but dueling is always great!
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Replay making is always fun to do, even though I rarely do it anymore. Also forum lurking is always a good time.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
I always love to bet, especially when the person I bet on wins. It is amazing how much tc you can make from betting, but it could also leave you with 0.
Frogs never die.
No more people in my sig.
Looking at the hall of shame always makes my day, and also just going to public rooms and making everyone rage quit.
I like to lurk the replay threads (although I'm awful for never posting cnc :cc)

if you have a thread in the replay board, I've most likely seen at least one of your replays.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
I like to lurk the replay threads (although I'm awful for never posting cnc :cc)

if you have a thread in the replay board, I've most likely seen at least one of your replays.

It makes me feel good to know people who just love to watch what people create exist.

My favorite things to do, toribash-related, is to make replays and talk about replays. Making replays is super fun because once you get good at it, it becomes a method of expression not unlike making a cool drawing, or composing a piece of music. I pretty much think of toribash as a 3D animation program at this point. The amount of variety you can create with your moves when given lots of time to think and edit is nearly limitless, and I don't see myself getting bored with it anytime soon.

Talking about replays is a new hobby of mine, which I'm not sure where it came from. It might have been from watching smash brothers streams and being impressed by the level of analysis the commentators can put in. But now, you can see me either making half-hour videos where I pick apart replays on my youtube channel, or debating with people like pusga about style and preferences and whatnot.

Speaking of my youtube channel you should totally check it out ;) ;) ;)
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I see most of these posts say that replays are sometimes the better activity. That's very nice to see. Some have your good times on the forums, bettings, duels. Very nice to see all these nice posts.