
Ask people in the clan for Cnc and see what you suck balls at. Specifically people who are experienced in that area. (spar, parkour, tricking, mas) Because most likely they will help you out.

It doesnt have to be parkour replays, just post any type. Parkour, Mas, Spar, Tricking. We are a realism clan, so all the GrandMaster Assassins should be experienced in either Mas, Parkour, Tricking or spar. So ask one of us, we will give you tips on how to improve your realism. Even we arent perfect, but we can sure help you improve.

JustMosto- Tricking, Sparring
iAcer- Parkour
Matarika- Mas, Sparring, Parkour
oNate- Tricking, Parkour
Cmitchell- Mas, Tricking

we all have something to offer for you
Last edited by matarika; Oct 7, 2014 at 05:17 AM.
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